Rates FdC Courses

Attention: We are changing our course system! But don’t worry, it nearly does not affect the prices for the stamp cards. BUT: Payment happens per course block, so the stamp cards are progress cards for one specific course block and cannot be used beyond the time of the paid course block.

Become a member of FdC for great discounts!

If you are the first time with us, you don’t have to pay immediately – only if you come back and want to join the course block.

  • Course block
    • Get a progress card for one course block of 8 weeks. You can buy it in the first two classes of a course block.
    • Visit your level and below in your location (only classes, not workshops).
    • FdC members: For any FdC location in your level or below, excluding workshops.
    • Only for one person (not transferable) and not refundable.
    • Price span for your individual budget:
Course block 8 weeks Price
FdC member 40-50€
Non FdC member 60-80€


  • FdC Membership
Membership Price per Semester*
reduced 45€*
Full rate 55€*
*(plus admission fee 10€)


How do I pay?

  • Come to the class and ask our teachers!
  • In Cologne, Bonn and Aachen pay cashless (EC Card or Credit card etc.)
  • In general and elsewhere you can give us you name and pay using the reference “Course [your city]” via:
  • Paypal: orgateam@forrodecolonia.com (please send using the option of FdC as friends and family!)
  • Bank transfer with IBAN:
    DE 91 3705 0198 1931 8663 94
    (Sparkasse Köln-Bonn)
  • Please wait for our instructions before sending membership fees!