
So good to have you at our Forró classes! Check out our course system, here are our prices, and below you can find all the schedules and addresses for our classes in all FdC locations.

Photo: Niklas Möller (

Learn Forró in our locations Cologne, Aachen, Bonn, and Duisburg. In the first two weeks of a course block and in our trial classes (Schnupperstunden) you can get to know Forró and our teachers for free. To get the latest information about courses, parties, etc. you can join our WhatsApp group:

!Free Dancing is Free of Charge (donations required for Niehler Freiheit)!


+++ Join our free introductory Schnupperkurse to get to know Forró. Next dates: 2.7. (19:00 Kennedy-Ufer 2, Deutz), 21.7. (19:00, Bürgerhaus Stolwerck, Room 302) or join our Level A course starting 28.7. (for Newcomers and Beginners, discount for students) +++

+++ Current courses 2024: Level B and C Tuesdays; Level A Sundays! +++

+++ Attention: You can only join a new course block in its first or second class +++


Sundays – Level A: 28.7.-29.9.24 (except 11.8., 15.9.)

18:30 Practice Level A

19:00 Level A “Tareco” with Luise, Carolina and Jonathan

20:00 Free dancing for everyone! -21:30

Address: Kennedy-Ufer 2, Deutz


Tuesdays – Levels B and C: 06.08.-01.10.24

++ You may participate in Level B if you have succesfully completed two Level A course blocks or have more than 6 months of regular dance experience.

++ You may only participate in Level C if you got levelled for it in the beginning of the year.

++ More info about our course system here.

18:30 Level C “Porreta” with Hana and Lukas starting 06.08.24

19:30 Practice

20:00 Level B “Juazeiro” with Lynn and Lukas

21:00 Free Dancing for everyone


Other Forró courses in Cologne:



In Aachen the classes take place on Mondays!

With Lana, Claudius and Jonas, 01.07.-26.08.24

6:30pm-7:30pm Level B
7:30pm-8pm Free Dancing
8pm-9pm Level A
from 9pm Free Dancing

Lothringerstr. 23
52062 Aachen

Other Forró courses in Aachen:

Anna: Follower, Choreo, Private class, Wedding dance

Forró Aachen with Junio

Hochschulsport with Susanne und Stephan


+++ Get to know Forró in our free taster classes! Next dates: 18.07. and 25.07. at 7 pm at the Waldorf School Bonn. Or come to our Level A course from 01.08. +++

Classes and Free Dancing in Bonn Sommer 2024:


Thursdays – 01.08.- 25.09.2024 (except 08.08.):

19:00-20:00 Level B (Petrolina, Focus Roots) with Aline and Lukas
20:00-21:00 Level A (Mariola) with Andy and Aline (Subject to the minimum number of registrations being reached – TBC)

21:00-22:00 Free Dancing (for everyone!)

Please send us your enrollment until 25.07.2024. Find the form here: FdC-Anmeldeformular Bonn 2024.3

Freie Waldorfschule (Aula-Foyer)
Stettiner Str. 21
53119 Bonn


Fridays – 12.4.-19.7. (not on 10.5.):

16:30 Level A with Carolina und Jonathan

afterwards Free Dancing until 18:00

This course is for newcomers and beginners and requires registration at Hochschulsport Bonn using this link – for students and alumni of University Bonn.

Where: RÖSP, Römerstraße 164, 53117 Bonn



In Essen the classes with Luise and Hannah take place on Tuesdays!

02.07.24 – 20.08.24

7:00pm-8:00pm Level B
from 8:00pm Free Dancing

Mehrgenerationenhaus Essen
Kerckhoffstr. 22B
45144 Essen


In Duisburg the classes with Viktor and Isy take place on Mondays!


7:00pm-8:00pm Intermediate
8:00pm-9:15pm Beginners
from 9:15pm Free Dancing

Evangelisches Jugendzentrum Neudorf-West
Gustav-Adolf-Str. 65
47057 Duisburg

For information about the classes feel free to contact us.