Freies Tanzen

Unterstützt unseren Verein, indem ihr Mitlgied werdet oder spendet ein paar Euro fürs freie Tanzen! Danke!


Sonntags 20:00-22:00 im Bürgerhaus Stollwerck

Dienstags 21:00-22:00 in Ehrenfeld Heliosstr. 6A (3. Stock)


Montags 21-23 Uhr in der Raststätte, Lothringerstraße 23, 52062 Aachen


Donnerstags 21:00 – 22:00 in der Freie Waldorfschule Bonn, Stettiner Str. 21, 53119 Bonn, Alemanha 



Jeden Montag 21-22 Uhr im Ev. Jugendzentrum Neudorf-West, Gustav-Adolf-Straße 65, 47057 Duisburg


Zusätzliche Termine erfahrt ihr über unsere Whatsapp-Gruppen oder bei Instagram (@forrodecolonia).

Schreibt uns eine Email, um in die jeweiligen Whatsapp-Gruppen aufgenommen zu werden!


* Forró de Colônia is a non profit association and therefore has no monetary interests in the work that we do. Nevertheless, we have costs – because Forró has its value! There are not only costs for the teachers and DJs, who deserve a retribution for their work, and for rooms, tech equipment, and logistics, but also: Organizational costs that our association has even for free dancing, e.g. our storage, tax consultant, IT, and transactional costs.
The work is done by volunteers (no organizer gets any money), and the costs are paid by our membership fees, donations and entrance fees.

n the past, people were unsure about FdC prices, so we put together this overview. Let us know (Jonathan is our finance guy) if you have questions or want to help us with the finances (getting funds e.g.).
Fact is, we already make our things as cheap as possible and risk (and often make) losses, and noone but the artists and teachers are making money.

Therefore: if you are not an FdC member or paying for our activities (courses or WS before Free Dancing), please consider donating a few euros for our free dancing so we can continue the association’s work! We will have a box for cash donations and you can also as always contribute by card. And of course, you can always become a member. Please help us keep Forró in the region alive and inspired!